Posted on 2/8/2018
Land Rover Air Suspension Issues If you drive a Land Rover, chances are the soft, comfortable ride is one of the main features that won you over. Then, once you took a closer look, you found the suspension is adjustable depending on road conditions, elevation changes, and even parking situations. It’s pretty neat stuff. The suspension on many Land Rover brand vehicles is air suspension, but you probably already know that. It’s electronically controlled with that selector on your console which provides precision adjustments from the compressor to each of the air struts. Unfortunately, as much as we’d like vehicle parts to last forever, it’s not always the case. the Land Rover’s electronic air suspension is no different, and when it fails, it often does so in spectacular fashion. Leaking Struts The issue usually starts out as a minor air leak in one of the strut air bladders or lines. Just a tiny leak can cause the stru ... read more
Posted on 2/6/2018

The streets of Brooklyn are notoriously rough. Not the people, the actual road surfaces. When you drive over speed bumps in parking lots, potholes in backlanes, and the breaks in the road everywhere else, any problems with your suspension are accentuated. If your strut mounts are worn, this is where they are going to tell you. It's a common problem in several Volkswagen models. Jettas, Passats, New Beetles, and Golfs all have similar designs, though the others aren’t exempt. Here’s what you’ll find: As you drive over any surface that creates travel in your struts, you’ll probably hear a rattling noise from the front. It can happen on just slight suspension travel, over only bigger bumps, or it could happen all the time. Over larger bumps or potholes, you’ll get a loud clunk. It’s not exactly a metallic noise – it sounds dampened. This noise happens when the strut is fully extended. When you turn, you might get some noise and you m ... read more