Posted on 2/23/2020
BMW Water Pump Replacement. BMW carries electric water pumps on the N51, N52, N54, N55, engines that need to be replaced every 50,000-75,000 miles. A few advantages of the BMW’s electric driven water pump are equal distribution of coolant (since the pump is not belt driven) and increased power. Water pumps play a critical role in keeping your BMW’s engine within proper operating temperature. Without a properly working water pump and thermostat your BMW will soon overheat and breakdown. When replacing the water pump we recommend changing the thermostat as well. It’s important to take your car to a BMW specialist when replacing the water pump since there are special installation procedures as well as bleeding procedures that will need to be carried out after installation. Some common DME codes associated with a failed or failing water pump are 2E81- Electric coolant pump speed deviation, speed outside specified range ... read more
Posted on 2/20/2020

What is a BMW VANOS? Put simply, a VANOS is a mechanism that allows for the adjustment of the camshafts for the intake and exhaust valves. This allows for better gas mileage, smoother idling increased power/torque. Vanos solenoids control the flow of oil to the VANOS. When oil flow is restricted to the VANOS problems will occur i.e check engine light, reduced power, low gas mileage, rough idling. It is common for the solenoids to clog up and fail. This can may be due to Electrical failure of VANOS Solenoid Dirty Oil Low oil pressure Clogged up solenoid/solenoid screen Aftermarket/defective oil filter An experienced BMW Technician will properly assess the condition of the VANOS solenoid on your BMW first to ensure they are in proper working order and the oil is in good condition as a first step in addressing any VANOS engine codes on your BMW. Common symptoms of VANOS issues are Check Engine Light Loss of Power Rough Idle, engine hesitation Engine fa ... read more